
outbreakteachR is a package designed to assist in demonstration of analysis associated to “paper outbreak” teaching practical. It is a collection of functions designed to ease analaysis of the paper outbreak practical within R. This includes importing and cleaning data from an excel sheet, viewing the infection network, visualising the outbreak as an animation, and calculating the epidemiological parameters associated with the practical 1.

  1. Íde Cremin, Oliver Watson, Alastair Heffernan, Natsuko Imai, Norin Ahmed, Sandra Bivegete, Teresia Kimani, Demetris Kyriacou, Preveina Mahadevan, Rima Mustafa, Panagiota Pagoni, Marisa Sophiea, Charlie Whittaker, Leo Beacroft, Steven Riley, Matthew C. Fisher, An infectious way to teach students about outbreaks, Epidemics, Available online 9 December 2017, ISSN 1755-4365, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epidem.2017.12.002 ↩︎

OJ Watson
Imperial College Research Fellow

I am an Imperial College Research Fellow supported by an Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Fellowship, working within Imperial's new AI Initiative: I-X. My primary focus is as an infectious disease modeller, data scientist, epidemiologist and an R developer. My academic work has focussed on modelling the spread of malaria and COVID-19, based at Imperial College London, Brown University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
